As per our WeTell educational philosophy, knowledge is acquired through the active interplay of teachers and students. Because of that, we have structured our program so to let everybody find their learning pace, based on individual lifestyle and commitments.

It is important to understand that WeTell School is not a traditional e-learning program. Each week, we combine live classes and webinars with offline activities, that each student can pursue individually or in group, at their own pace.

Live classes (weekly seminars and interactive webinars) are conceived as starting points for further explorations that our teaching team will facilitate through:

  1. Live tutorials/chats/meetings (customized upon request)
  2. Repository of learning materials.

What is important to know is that our repository relies on the biggest repository already existing on Earth: Internet, the World Wide Web. Therefore, in addition to some materials that we have prepared specifically for our WeTell School, you will find some hints to search for other useful materials, already available online, open source. These days, the real problem is not to have beautifully designed online materials; instead, it is to learn how to navigate and choose among the myriad of beautifully designed online materials.

Therefore, self-learning starts from a conscious understanding of the pervasive online strategies framing data into stories that might distract us from a clear appreciation of how those data are working on or through us.

Similarly, self-learning starts from a conscious approach to our onlife to avoid addiction and fight cognitive pollution. Self-learning relies on students to experience their cityscapes (or countryscapes) with a renewed approach to detect different narratives and opportunities.


The study materials (essays, video-lectures, www links, etc.) are gathered thematically, based on your weekly seminar:

  • Complex Ecosystems
  • Politics/Dissent
  • Gender/Language

The section MULTIMEDIA gathers our videoprobes (“Exploring through language”), films/documentaries, WeTell Interviews.